Saturday, January 05, 2019

Special offer on Fearless


This Month Fearless is on offer for 99 cents, and not just at Amazon!
New deal on Lynne Connolly ebook
By Lynne Connolly
Lord Valentinian Shaw doesn’t want to settle down — but when Lady Charlotte Engles begs to end their arranged betrothal to marry another, he feels duty bound to protect his betrothed from her dangerous new suitor. What happens when he starts to fall in love?
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The New Year Cometh...

Let's see what this year brings! And please, let's be kinder to each other. This could be a year of change in the big, bad world outside our windows. Several threads seem to be coming to a head. I've kept this newsletter politics free, and I'll continue to do so, but outside, it's getting interesting - or scary.
So lets read lots of books instead! Do what we have to do, and then go back to our favourite places. Mine, as you know, is the 18th century. And I can't see that changing.

This year sees the release of a new series from Kensington. It's going to be called the Society for Single Ladies, and it will feature a different couple in each book. But the ladies are the overlooked, the widows who might not want to remarry, the spinsters, the governesses.
At last, they've banded together!
Their leader is a figure you've met before, briefly, in The Shaws. Angela Childers is the richest woman in Britain, the owner of a major bank inherited from her father and the granddaughter of a duchess. She will never marry, or so she says. And she's based on a real-life figure. I find so much inspiration in real life examples, I can't tell you. Angela comes upon all kinds of problems in her working life, and her stalwart band of helpers is determined to help her.
There isn't a cover yet to show you, but there is a completed book in for editing and such, and I've signed a three book contract, so if it's a success, there will be more.
The release of the first book is slated for March. More later, when I have details.



The Shaws
The Shaws came to an end with Boundless. While I loved writing them, there just aren't any more. One day I'd like to write the stories of the Emperors that have escaped me. Maybe they'll turn up in the SSL series! I've been writing about this family for so long I feel I know them all personally. And because many of them have characteristics based on real life people, perhaps I did!
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